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Mandatory national certification,

to ensure timber products and their raw material are generated from

sources that comply with the legality and sustainability aspects, and are traceable.

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Textile Exchange

Develops and manages a suite of standards that provide the textile industry with a way to verify sustainability claims from the raw material to the final product. 

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International certification system covering all kinds of bio-based feedstocks and renewables catering to energy, food, feed, and chemicals sectors.

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An international certification program aimed at addressing and mitigating the issue of plastic waste entering our oceans.

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International certification system covering all kinds of bio-based feedstocks and renewables catering to energy, food, feed, and chemicals sectors

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International certification scheme established in Italy to ensure that biofuels and bioliquids comply with both environmental and social

sustainability standards

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OBP Certification

Designed to encourage the removal of ocean bound plastic by adding value through efficient collection and treatment before it reaches the ocean

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Mandatory national certification, to ensure timber products and their raw material are generated from sources that comply with the legality and sustainability aspects, and are traceable

Start SVLK Certification or discover more ▸

Textile Exchange

Develops and manages a suite of standards, including GRS, RCS, OCS, and more, that provide the textile industry with a way to verify sustainability claims from the raw material to the final product

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09 Sep, 2024
Indonesia sedang bergerak cepat dalam memajukan penggunaan biodiesel, baik untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Bahkan, Indonesia ditargetkan menjadi produsen terbesar Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) di ASEAN. Menurut Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto, Indonesia akan menyuplai 5% kebutuhan avtur di kawasan tersebut. Program Mandatori Biodiesel yang selama ini dijalankan telah sukses, dan akan dilanjutkan dengan B40 yang siap diluncurkan pada Januari 2025. Semua ini bagian dari komitmen besar Indonesia dalam mendorong energi bersih dan mempercepat transisi energi. Di sisi regulasi, pemerintah juga telah menerbitkan beberapa aturan penting, termasuk Peraturan Presiden Nomor 98 Tahun 2021 tentang Nilai Ekonomi Karbon dan peluncuran Bursa Karbon (IDX Carbon) pada September 2023. Langkah ini diharapkan bisa menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca hingga 100 juta ton CO2 pada tahun 2030. Serius banget, kan? Tidak mau ketinggalan, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga juga sudah mencapai tonggak besar dengan meraih sertifikasi ISCC untuk SAF serta produk energi terbarukan lainnya seperti minyak goreng bekas (UCO) dan hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). Ini artinya, pelanggan Pertamina sekarang bisa dengan bangga mengklaim pengurangan emisi karbon dari produk SAF yang mereka gunakan. Dan yang lebih keren lagi, terminal avtur di Ngurah Rai, Bali, sudah siap mendukung acara besar Bali International Air Show 2024 yang akan memperluas penggunaan SAF Pertamina di pasar internasional!
By Muhammad Imam Taufik 25 Jul, 2024
As the world grapples with the escalating plastic pollution crisis, innovative solutions are emerging from unexpected quarters. Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) — plastic waste at risk of entering the oceans — is increasingly being harnessed as a valuable resource for creating new, sustainable products. This transformation is not only helping to clean our oceans but also driving a new wave of eco-conscious consumerism. Leading brands across various industries are incorporating OBP into their products, demonstrating a commitment to environmental stewardship and setting new standards for sustainability.  This article explores several groundbreaking products crafted from ocean bound plastic, showcasing how businesses are turning environmental challenges into opportunities for innovation and market differentiation.
By Muhammad Imam Taufik 25 Jul, 2024
Mismanaged plastic waste refers to plastic materials that are not collected, recycled, or disposed of properly, ultimately ending up in the natural environment. This waste is a growing global crisis, with devastating consequences for ecosystems, wildlife, and human communities. Particularly concerning is the plastic waste located near rivers, coastlines, and shores, as well as the plastic already in the ocean that is accidentally caught using fishing gear. This article explores the specific impacts of mismanaged plastic waste in these vulnerable areas and how Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) certification can address and mitigate these issues.
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