An OHSMS is a coordinated and systematic approach to managing health and safety risks. OHSMSs help organisations to continually improve their safety performance and compliance to health and safety legislation and standards. In doing so, they establish safer working environments that protect people at work by eliminating, or better managing, health and safety hazards. The benefits of the OHSMS can be referred:
• helping create safer work environments
• reducing injuries and injury-related costs – by pre-empting injuries, employers save money on medical expenses, the injured employee's wages, insurance claim excesses, replacement labour and increased workers' compensation insurance premiums
• improving business opportunities – many companies have preferential purchasing policies that favour purchasing products or services from companies with an OHSMS
• providing measurable systems that can verify OHS performance
• demonstrating that the organisation is meeting legal requirements
• enhancing the organisation's reputation
*The training services are intended for internal use only or companies who want to learn in depth about required standards and to help achieve certification activity