Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification and Validation is an international standard to voluntarily validate and verify GHG emission report. This scheme emerges to answer a mandatory action to monitor, report, and verify greenhouse gas and its increased demand in GHG emission monitoring and reporting.


This program is expected to bring benefit for organization, countries, project’s owner, and other stakeholder by providing assurance and consistency in assessing, monitoring, reporting, and GHG project/inventory validation or verification. 

No. Ruang Lingkup Sektor Lingkup Spesifik Level Kegiatan Kategori Program
1 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01) Power generation and electric power transaction (01.01.01) N/A
2 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Project (01.02) Energy industries (pembangkir/ (renewable/non-renewable resources) (01.02.01) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
3 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Validasi Project (02.02) Energy industries (pembangkir/ (renewable/non-renewable resources) (02.02.01) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
4 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01) General manufacturing (physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new product) (01.01.02) N/A
5 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01) Waste handling and disposal (01.01.11) N/A
6 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Project (01.02) Waste handling and disposal (01.02.14) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
7 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Validasi Project (02.02) Waste handling and disposal (02.02.14) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
8 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01) Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) (01.01.12) N/A
9 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Project (01.02) Manufacturing industries (01.02.04) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
10 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Validasi Project (02.02) Manufacturing industries (02.02.07) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
11 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Project (01.02) Afforestation and reforestation (01.02.15) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
12 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Validasi Project (02.02) Afforestation and reforestation (02.02.15) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
13 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Verifikasi Project (01.02) Agriculture (01.02.16) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.
14 Informasi Lingkungan Gas Rumah Kaca Validasi Project (02.02) Agriculture (01.02.16) Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, JCM, etc.

Mekanisme Validasi

Mekanisme Verifikasi

List of Regulation

  1. ISO 17029:2019 Conformity assessment — General principles and requirements for validation and verification bodies
  2. ISO 14065:2020 General principles and requirements for bodies validating and verifying environmental information
  3. ISO 14066:2023 Greenhouse gases – Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams
  4. ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
  5. ISO 14064-2:2019 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements
  6. SNI ISO 14064-3:2019 Greenhouse gases – Part 3: Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements
  7. KAN K10: Special Requirements for Accreditation of Validation and Verification Institutions
  8. KAN K10.1: Additional Requirements for Environmental Information Sector LVV Accreditation
  9. IAF MD 6:2023: Mandatory Document for the Application of ISO 14065:2020

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