Sistem Verifikasi

Legalitas & Kelestarian (SVLK)

Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas & Kelestarian (SVLK) or Timber Legality and Sustainability Assurance Program is a mandatory national certification system for timber legality & sustainability in Indonesia. This certification program is regulated through the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decision No. SK 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH /HPL.3/2022. SVLK aims to ensure forest products and its raw material are generated from sources that comply with the legality & sustainability aspect and are traceable (upstream to downstream).

Indonesia is the first and the only country in the world that owns a FLEGT (Forest Law, Enforcement, Governance, and Trade) license. The license is the result of the FLEGT VPA agreement between Indonesian Government and European Union Commission since November 15, 2016. FLEGT ensures Indonesian timber complies to EUTR (European Union Timber Regulation) which helps to safely enter European Union countries. According to the SILK website, the total of Indonesian timber product exports is USD by October 2021.

QSI provides SVLK certification program for industrial processing with scope below:

  1. PBPHH (Perizinan Berusaha Pengolahan Hasil Hutan/Forest Product Processing Permit) small business scale with production capacity < 2000 m3/year;
  2. PBPHH (Perizinan Berusaha Pengolahan Hasil Hutan/Forest Product Processing Permit) medium business scale with production capacity 2000-6000 m3/year;
  3. PBPHH (Perizinan Berusaha Pengolahan Hasil Hutan/Forest Product Processing Permit) big business scale with production capacity ≥ 6000 m3/year;
  4. Business license for Industrial Business activities (small category);
  5. Business license for Industrial Business activities (medium category);
  6. Business license for Industrial Business activities (big category).
  7. Log Yard
  8. Exporter
  9. Importer

Popular Questions

  • What is the legal basis for SVLK implementation?

    SVLK is regulated in the following regulations:

    • Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 8 of 2021 regarding Forest Management and Preparation of Forest Management Plans, and Forest Utilization in Protection Forests and Production Forests.

    • Decision of the Director General of Sustainable Production Forest Management Number 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/2022 regarding Standards and for the Implementation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System.
  • How long is the validity period of my SVLK Certificate (S-Legalitas)?

    The validity period of your SVLK Certificate (S-Legalitas) depends on the respective scope which is owned by a valid license and the source of the raw materials used. Based Decision of Minister of Environment & Forestry No. SK 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/2022, the validity period of the SVLK Certificate (S-Legalitas) and the surveillance activities are categorized as follows:

    License Holder: Forest Product Processing Permit; Business license for Industrial Business activities

    Source of the raw material:

    - Timber from natural forest;

    - Cultivation timber from national forest; and/or

    - CITES-listed wood

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 12 months

    License Holder: Forest Product Processing Permit; Business license for Industrial Business activities

    Source of the raw material:

    - Cultivation timber from private forest;

    - Imported timber;

    - Building demolition timber; and/or

    - Recycled timber

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 24 months

    License Holder: Log Yard

    Source of the raw material:

    - Timber from natural forest;

    - Cultivation timber from national forest.

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 12 months

    License Holder: Log Yard

    Source of the raw material:

    - Cultivation timber from national forest

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 36 months

    License Holder: Exporter

    Source of the raw material:

    - SVLK Certified or SVLK Self-Declared products

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 12 months

    License Holder: Importer

    Source of the raw material:

    - Imported wood and it’s derivatives

    Validity of certificate: 6 years

    Surveillance audit: every 24 months

  • What is surveillance audit?

    Surveillance audit is a field assessment activity conducted by PT QSI which is carried out within the validity period of the SVLK Certificate (S-Legalitas) to S-Legalitas holders, with the aim of ensuring consistency in the application of SVLK standards and guidelines.

  • How can I get V-Legal/FLEGT License documents?

    Processed wood exporters must have an SVLK Certificate (S-Legalitas) to obtainV-Legal/FLEGT License documents. The V-Legal document/FLEGT License is one of the documents that are required in the export of forest industry products, issued by accredited Independent Assessment & Verification Bodies (Lembaga Penilai & Verifikasi Independen - LPVI), in this case PT QSI. Each 1 (one) V-Legal document/FLEGT License document can only be used for 1 (one) delivery of customs notification for the export of goods.

  • What’s the difference between a V-Legal document and a FLEGT/FLEGT License?

    The V-Legal Document and FLEGT License are the same document, used for proof of guaranteeing the legality and sustainability of timber products for export purposes. The difference between the V-Legal Documents and the FLEGT License lies in the country of export destination for the timber product. If the export destination is to a country other than the European Union and the United Kingdom, then use the V-Legal term. However, if the export destination is to a country that is included in the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, then use the FLEGT License term.

  • How long will it take for me to get the certification decision result?

    Based on the Decision of the Director General of Sustainable Production Forest Management Number 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/2022 regarding Standards and for the Implementation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System., the Certification Body must submit the results of the certification decision no later than 35 calendar days after the Closing Meeting.

  • How much does it cost to join in the SVLK certification program?

    The SVLK certification fee is in accordance with what has been regulated in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number P.1 of 2016 regarding the Second Amandment to the Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.13 of 2013 regarding Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management and Verification of Timber Legality Performance Fee Standard.

  • What’s the difference between a V-Legal document and a FLEGT/FLEGT License?

    The V-Legal Document and FLEGT License are the same document, used for proof of guaranteeing the legality and sustainability of timber products for export purposes. The difference between the V-Legal Documents and the FLEGT License lies in the country of export destination for the timber product. If the export destination is to a country other than the European Union and the United Kingdom, then use the V-Legal term. However, if the export destination is to a country that is included in the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, then use the FLEGT License term.

  • Are all processed wood products required to be accompanied by V-Legal document/FLEGT License documents?

    Processed wood products that must be accompanied by V-Legal document/FLEGT License documents are products with the HS Code registered in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 12 of 2022 regarding the Third Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 19 of 2021 regarding Export Policies & Arrangements.

    In addition, V-Legal Documents/FLEGT Licenses can also be issued for export products with HS codes other than those stated in the relevant Minister of Trade Regulation, provided that they are made from timber and are required by exporters or requested by importers as proof of legality.

  • Why should you choose PT QSI as your Certification Body?

    We pride ourselves in employing committed and dedicated personnel across our range of services. We continually train our staff to allow them to develop into experts our customers can put their trust in while also improving their own professional skills. We are always looking for innovative, driven people to join our team, and will give you a competitive certification fee.

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