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How to Apply?

Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK)

SVLK is a mandatory national certification system for timber legality in Indonesia. This certification program is regulated through the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.21/Menlhk/Setjen/KUM.1/10/2020 and its derivative regulation, Director General of Sustainable Management of Production Forest Regulation No. SK.62/PHPL/SET.5/KUM.1/12/2020. SVLK aims to ensure timber products and its raw material are generated from sources that comply to legality aspect and traceable (upstream to downstream).

Indonesia is the first and the only country in the world that owns FLEGT (Forest Law, Enforcement, Governance, and Trade) license. The license is the result of FLEGT VPA agreement between Indonesian Government and European Union Commission since November 15, 2016. FLEGT ensures Indonesian timber complies to EUTR (European Union Timber Regulation) which helps to safely enter European Union countries. According to SILK website, the total of Indonesian timber product export is 71.014.607.980 USD by June, 2020.
Apply Certificate SVLK Certification Fee

PT. QSI provides SVLK certification program for industrial processing with scope below:

1. Primary wood processing industry – Izin Usaha Industri Primer Hasil Hutan Kayu (IUIPHHK) production capacity < 6000 m3/year

2. Primary wood processing industry  – Izin Usaha Industri Primer Hasil Hutan Kayu (IUIPHHK) production capacity ≥ 6000 m3/year

3. Community Wood Processing Industry/Industri pengolahan Kayu Rakyat (IPKR)

4. Secondary wood processing Industry – Izin Usaha Industri (IUI):

• Small industry;

• Medium industry;

• Big industry.

5. Integrated wood processing Industry – IUIPHHK & IUI terintegrasi

Sistem Pertanian Organik

Organic Agriculture Certification System Program (Sistem Pertanian Organik) or known as SNI Organik is a certification program issued by Indonesian Government through Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/5/2013, with the objectives:
  • Providing guarantee and protection to community from organic products distribution that do not comply to requirements;
  • Providing business assurance to organic products producer;
  • Establishing credible and traceable organic agriculture production system;
  • Maintaining ecosystem to support sustainable environment; and 
  • Improving added-value and competitiveness of agricultural products.
Apply Certificate

Indonesian Organic certifies farm, farmer group, production and processing facilities, packaging, and export-import activities. Its scope covers:

  1. Fresh crop, crop products, processed products
  2. Wild products and its processed products

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